For pre school children ages two to five years old
Free Government funded places for two to 4years olds.



Creative Play

Playing is undoubtedly what children do best.  Did you know it actually makes them smarter? Though all forms of play are beneficial to children, creative play is what fosters a child's ability to retain knowledge &  be more mindful of their own lives.




Our stimulating environment

Means that our children have lots of resources and opportunities to discover new skills and learning, with lots of freedom to move around and more importantly, explore the world around them



"Pausing to listen to an airplane, stooping to watch a ladybird, sitting on a rock to watch waves crash over the quayside - children have their own agendas & timescales.  We need to hear their voices." - Cathy Nutbrown



By providing drawing materials, children are encouraged to create their own masterpieces which are proudly displayed in our 'ART GALLERY' which increases a child's self confidence and self esteem



is easy, especially when you're doing messy play together


Special Occasions

We love to celebrate good times. We marked the Queens Diamond Jubliee by having our very own street party complete with bunting and party games!



We just love to explore! Here we are on our Autumn walk in Hall Lee Bank Park collecting lots of conkers, pine cones, leaves, sticks and acorns to make our Autumn collage, not to mention making time to paddle in the stream and run down the hill!


Safe and Secure activities

Fully Secure outdoor play area

Their natural desire to learn

We go on trips to the local parks and library, to enhance their opportunities for learning.

Communal Activities

Annual Sports Day, Nativity, celebrate special events; Queens Diamond Jubilee, The Olympics & special religious occasions.

Knowledge & Understanding

Visits from local community,such as the Police, the Fire Service, Doctors, Dentists and Supermarkets

What children say.

"that dangly bit in your mouth (uvulva) is what keeps your mouth wet"


This is an area where we will post funny ancedotes or delightful comments children have said which may amuse or astound you with their own wisdom.


We would like to receive from our parents such little gems of wisdom or observations their children have made.


You can either print off and fill these in and bring them into Pre-School or email them to us!

Children's learning and development

Every term we have a special overarching theme  for learning and each week we concentrate on one of the 7 areas of learning and development and provide resources and activities to achieve specific  outcomes. Our main focus is for the children to be engaged and have fun because they learn through play. We undertake termly assessments of the children's progress and the age and stage of their development so that we can work towards filling any gaps together.


Daily Routine


Our morning consists of the children coming into Pre-School and 'sitting up smartly' on the carpet, they answer their names on the register and we discuss the days of the week and the weather plus any 'show and tells' or recognising individual achievements and we remind ourselves of our GOLDEN RULES. On a Friday, we start off the morning with our much loved FRIDAY FEELING!

Once registration is complete we do guided adult led learning in small groups or with individuals which are age and development appropriate for each child, we then have a healthy snack and drink of water or milk. After a communication activity we then have free play where the child can choose what toys or activities to join in by themselves from a large choice followed by outdoor physical activity, our Daily Mile and outdoor play. We finish off our fun busy session with a story and sing song time on the carpet!





We have a brand new you tube channel which is in the name of Brighter Bunnies, our proposed new name for pre-school, once the timing is right and here we share daily videos of the learning we do in pre school, bedtime stories, sing song time and our Nativity so that our children can still join in when they are at home or in the school holidays, we have had some marvellous feedback about our channel which we originally set up during the first lockdown of the Covid 19 pandemic and we had to close in March 2020. Come along and join us to see what we do!

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